RQA - Education and Training

RQA Educational Program  

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The Educational Program offered by the Office of Research Compliance Assurance (RQA) is a research compliance training program for Principal Investigators (PIs), Research Nurses, Clinical Coordinators, Study Team members, and anyone involved in human subject research. It is recommended that employees involved in Human Subject Research complete this training program on a yearly basis.

The objective of the program is to raise and maintain the knowledge level and awareness of research compliance in University of Miami employees who work in human subject research. The purpose is to develop and maintain a skilled team of professionals within the University and to promote a culture of knowledge, compliance and integrity. The curriculum provides a high-level overview of key concepts related to research compliance.

The program currently consists of fourteen live courses. Each course will disseminate comprehensive instruction and information pertinent to clinical research at the University of Miami. All participants will be able to print a certificate from ULearn after completion of each class. 

CEUs Credits  Nurses, social workers, and psychologists will receive continuing education credits for attending courses and retaking courses on an annual basis. CEUs from these courses can also be used for certification renewals with professional organizations such as ACRP, SOCRA and others.

To obtain CEUs, participants must sign in so that full attendance is recorded; anyone arriving more than 15 minutes after the start of the class will be counted as absent.

Continuing Education  Participants are encouraged to complete offered courses every year after completion of this training program.

Dates and Registration Information

The group of classes is offered multiple times throughout the calendar year. There is no registration fee for the program. Registration is available in ULearn. Please visit the ULearn calendar to view current offerings by using RQA in the search field.
